Little Change
Name : Okky Dian Pradika
Class : 1 D3 MMB-A
NRP : 4103141011
Home Address : Jl. Baudanyang RT 14/RW 05 Nglames, Madiun Regency
Addres in Sby : EEPIS Dormitory
Hoby : drawing, listening music, cycling
I’m from Madiun regency. Baudanyang street RT 14/RW 05 Nglames is my address home. I live at village. I’m a village boys, won’t be a loser than metropolitan people. I live with my parents and my little brother. My old brother is working at Surabaya.
Class : 1 D3 MMB-A
NRP : 4103141011
Home Address : Jl. Baudanyang RT 14/RW 05 Nglames, Madiun Regency
Addres in Sby : EEPIS Dormitory
Hoby : drawing, listening music, cycling
This about all of my life. I want to tell
about me. My name is Okky Dian Pradika. You can call me Okky, Om Okky, or Mas
O. My friends give that name for me. I don’t know why they are call me with Mas
O or Om Okky. May be I reputed the most senior people in my class. Ya, I’m
graduated in 2013, and I become a college student in 2014. That name too can be
a distinguishing for me. Easy to know, easy to remember, and make me more
I’m from Madiun regency. Baudanyang street RT 14/RW 05 Nglames is my address home. I live at village. I’m a village boys, won’t be a loser than metropolitan people. I live with my parents and my little brother. My old brother is working at Surabaya.
My father’s name is Maeran, 55
years old. He is a worker as cleaning service at an office in Madiun. He works
start at 05.00 a.m after shopping to the market with my mother, Dwi Lestari.
She is 45 years old, as a day necessity seller like vegetables, cooking spices,
uncooked material, and soon. Beside that, she selling a cooked food after sold
the vegetables. There are rujak petis, lontong sayur, pecel, belewah ice, kolak,
etc. In my home, there is my little brother. His name is Herry, a 9th student at SMP 1 Nglames, Madiun regency. He
is a ganongan dancer too. And my old brother is Andi. He works as a security in
Widya Kartika University, Surabaya. He have got a handsome son.
I’m now as a student college in Electronic
Engineering Pholytechnic Institute of Surabaya, majoring Technology Multimedia
Broadcasting. I’m graduated in 2013 from Vocational High School 1 Madiun. My
hobbies are drawing, listening music, and cycling. Beside I’m as a student, I’m
a “pulsa” seller. I have work as machine operator at PT. INKA Madiun during 10
Very much dream that I want. I wanna
be an entrepreneur, designer, artist, motivator, entertainer, goes to Hajj, traveling the
world, and many more again. And I wanna be an university student with very much
achievement. Very much struggle in which I past for an university lecture. Because
of that, I must and promise to my parents to become an usefull people for them
and my big family. I must make them proud of me. I must repay about all my life
to my parents. I must be a successful people. I must be an influential people in
this world, although that is the little change. This my promise :’)
53 komentar
om okky.. where your mind map??? isn't Mr. Aliv told us to include the mind map??? :D
BalasHapushahaha, there are something wrong
Hapusokky where you mind map ?
BalasHapusoke pek, waiting please for the mind map :)
Hapusmaybe om okky is not in focus when made that hahaha
BalasHapushahaha, i really not focus. next will be better :D #forget
Hapusi wanna cry ;_; could you make description for me? *deadlock mode on
Hapusmmm,. you're rock, humble, enjoying, crazy :D
WHAT THE...... -_-
Hapuswhy you show of your poker face ? :D
Hapusnice post brother.
BalasHapusbut, what is this mean "That name too can be a distinguishing" ?
thank you.
the meaning of that word is i can be a different people from all. because a different people make a special
HapusGood story uncle okky :D please comment too in my blog yee hahaha :v
BalasHapusoke oke,. thanks for your visit. waiting ya
Hapusthat's om okky zone~ yeah, how can you draw so nicely? make me envy T.T anyway you have to stay humble and caring person so you can get success sooner :) the sentence "I’m graduated" must be "I was graduated" overall, you are great~ Fighting!
BalasHapusWould you mine to review mine back? Thank you~
oke, i will like that, but i'm still build my confidence.
Hapusthanks for all ;)
Are you remember if I ever say that I want to know abut something of you?, But now I can know it after I reading your short telling all about you...:3
BalasHapushohohoho, i have a stalker :D
Hapuswhat is that? I can't get your meaning guys
BalasHapushahaha, sorry sorry, my english grammar is "morat marit" :'D
Hapusaaaa when i read your story i'm so sleepy, maybe i can give you comment next day yak? it's too late to think my opinion for your story :3
BalasHapusoke oke, let going to baed now girl
HapusNice going bro
BalasHapusthanks a lot men
HapusUncle okky, please teach me how to draw yeah :D
BalasHapusoke, pay me Rp. 150.000 :D
BalasHapusyour mind map is too beautiful.. (0.0)
Envy.......................................................... :')
envy won't make your problem completed. try and try it, and you will find the change, although just the little change :)
Hapusokkyy.... im so pleased and proud of your honestly story that you write in your blog... i'm so affected of your dreams and hopes.. :') i wish your dreams can be true.. and you can achieve your hopes. keep spirit OKKY ^^
BalasHapusamin. thanks a lot yayak. we will success together
Hapusnice mind map om :D
BalasHapusI like your header too :Dv
are you really ? :o
Hapusoh, thanks so much ega
uncle oky ,, i hope your dream come true in your life :)
BalasHapusamin biyan, #hopefull
Hapusgood job okky i hope your dream come true :)
BalasHapusthanks your pray roro. can you say that words every time ? :D
HapusMay Allah show you the way to make your dreams come true, Kang Okky... Aamiin... :')
amin, that's right nuha, more be gratefull to Allah. i'm not forget :')
BalasHapusdamn love your mind map >< so colorful and . . . awesome! great job!!
BalasHapusi think my mind map like a children's hand made
Hapusyour dreams is too much bro hahaha
BalasHapusgood job, your mind map is very cool
honestly, still many more again about my dream. hahahah
Hapusnice mind map.. i like your dreams, om. I support you
BalasHapusoke, says "amin" jack ;)
Hapusyes, come to my home later, oke upil :D
BalasHapusWhoa! Okky, can you teach me how to draw those face thing?
BalasHapushope i can draw those too ;)
just change your doubt :)
BalasHapusuncle okky....
BalasHapusbeautiful,cute,great mind map.. i like it uncle.. haha
Hi Om Okky :) i'm so impressed with your writting. May Allah accept all of your dreams ^^
BalasHapusYou're so good at drawing yah, and i like drawing too~ maybe you can teach me someday huh :D?
and i want to taste pecel madiun made by your mum, for freee :3
hahahah, my mother's pecel like made by Farah Quin. so, that's expensive, no free :D
HapusGet spirit om okky !!!
BalasHapuswhen you really desire something, believe that all universe conspires to help you realize your dream :))
aminn, thanks for your golden words citralalalala
HapusGood job Bang Okky ^_^b
BalasHapusAnyway, i like your mind map... So Coollll..... :D